Friendship Exchange

  • Rotary Community Corps
  • Experience new cultures and international friendship through the Rotary Friendship Exchange

    What is Friendship Exchange?

    Experience new cultures and international friendship through the Rotary Friendship Exchange. The Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends, and gives participants the opportunity to visit each other at home and in their Rotary clubs.

    Participants can travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups and do not have to be members of Rotary.

    What advantages and opportunities does the program offer?

    • The program promotes international understanding.
    • You can relive your job in a completely different environment.
    • Long-term friendships grow from new contacts.
    • Participation lays the foundation for peace and readiness to serve.
    • You can actively participate in a project.
    • You will get to know a new region, new culture, new customs, etc.
    • You can find new project partners for your next grant project.

    Choose a destination

    Our Exchange Finder Map shows current exchange locations and the districts involved. Use this map to connect with the district’s Friendship Exchanges representative and explore possible visits, including hosts, travel dates, and other details.

    Define the main purpose of the trip

    Friendship exchanges are organized around a central theme: culture (exchange), friendship, service or professional aspects.

    Make sure you get funding

    All exchanges are paid for by the participants or sometimes by their districts. No large financial contributions are expected from the Rotarians hosting the guests. Club and district funds may be used to cover the cost of a job exchange.

    Tell your story

    Submit a travel report to your district and after your trip. We want to hear from you and your experiences – and your comments help to continuously improve the program!


    RC Wien-Grinzing, 1190 Wien, Billrothstr 86/2

    +43-1-486 26 71

    ZVR 1622148295

    AT11 2011 1844 4171 2800

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